“To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear.”

~ Stephen Levine

What is Energy Healing?

Western medicine heals by focusing on physical illness and injury. Energy work takes a broader approach that treats you as a whole person, healing not just your injury, but your whole body – as well as the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy moving through it.

Working with a trained and experienced energy healer can also help you gain insight into unprocessed experiences, emotions, or trauma you may be holding in your body so you can begin to heal and release them.

Sessions can include working with chakras or the energy field around your body, focusing on treating a specific joint or organ, or teaching you physical exercises to help with a particular injury or disability.

Energy work can:

  • Reduce or eliminate pain, injury, or disability.
  • Build greater strength and range of motion.
  • Improve balance and mobility.
  • Retain independence and develop more physical confidence.
  • Clear, repair and realign energy moving through and around the body.
  • Restore inner equilibrium and ease.

Energy work is for people & pets

Energy healing is becoming increasingly popular as a supplementary option for addressing a variety of physical, emotional, and behavioral challenges in both people and pets. Energy work in animals can help alleviate issues such as chronic pain, arthritis, anxiety, and more.

Meet Your Healer

Liz Parker is an energy healer and physical therapist who brings 45 years of clinical experience and a lifetime of multidisciplinary study to her work. Her practical, reassuring approach combines the use of universal energy, crystals and physical therapy to heal the physical and emotional suffering of both people and animals. She is committed to helping people understand how their bodies and energetic fields function and work together, and to partnering with them to co-create healthy, active and more joyful lives.

Anne - Austin, TX

“About a year ago, our Great Pyrenees, Harley, was diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy – a disease that slowly interrupted his brain’s ability to control his back legs. Liz worked remotely on Harley for two months at what turned out to be the end of his life, and I’m convinced her treatments not only helped him find greater ease and comfort in his body, but also gave us more (and higher quality) time with him. He always seemed lighter and happier after a session, and much steadier on his feet. She helped keep him walking on his own, which was his favorite thing. And then, when he was ready to go, Liz worked with Harley’s energy field to ease his transition. I would be hard-pressed to imagine a more precious gift. I just can’t recommend Liz and her work highly enough, other than maybe to say this: I trusted her with my dog, and I am so, so grateful I did.”

~ Anne, Austin, Texas

Kristi - California

“Liz is an extraordinary healer. I have been working with her regularly for the last two years as I recovered from breast cancer and blood clots in my lungs. Beyond what I know needs to be worked on, she identifies additional areas in the auric field that need healing. Her remote treatments revitalize my physical body and calm my emotional body. She has quite a gift. I highly recommend working with her if you need healing.”

Kristi – California

Robin - Blaine, WA

“I have been a client of Liz Parker for almost a year now and have experienced great relief from several chronic issues in my neck, arm, and hip that I just assumed I would have to live with. I am always amazed at how her gentle therapy techniques can be so profoundly effective.  
  She has helped to correct pain caused by scar tissue from past injuries and surgeries as well as hereditary imbalances. Her extensive knowledge of the body and how it works (or should work) was obvious from my first visit. The continued education and recommendations I received at each visit have been life-changing. I highly recommend Liz to anyone looking to address chronic health issues, improve their overall health, and live their best life.”

Robin – Blaine, WA

Schedule Your Session

Liz can set up either in-person or remote sessions via Zoom to work with your specific situation and schedule. You may experience relief after one or two appointments, or you may wish to schedule multiple sessions over a longer period to get support for a chronic or ongoing issue.

Each session will run for 25 or 50 minutes. Please choose from the open availability in the schedule below to book your session.


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